Business Development Manager Will Take PNA In New Directions

Jocelyn WIllis

Jocelyn Willis 


Introducing Our New Business Development Manager


Jocelyn Willis has been an integral part of Paiho North America from the very beginning, but she will now be taking on a new role within the company. As the new Business Development Manager, her work will focus on developing new and existing business opportunities for PNA.


“I am excited to have been given yet another opportunity with PAIHO® to grow and advance in my career,” said Willis. “The continued support and confidence from my family, leaders, and my peers is a true blessing and just one of many reason why I love working with this company!” 


Willis has 17 years of experience in the hook and loop industry, including 13 years at Paiho North America. Having seen the company’s journey from its roots to current stage, Willis is well equipped to guide PNA towards further growth and new opportunities.


Get to know more about Jocelyn Willis through our previous blog post.


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